The photos and imagery that promote your brand need to be crafted as carefully as the words that describe it. Because brand reinforcement should carry across web, print, and social media outlets, your image is partly defined by your images.
Remember, this is the first time many people will be exposed to your brand- that’s one chance to make a good first impression. Poor quality photos added as an afterthought to a website or social media campaign diminish your marketing message and may even force consumers to take a look at the competition. Great photos connect with viewers; they tell your story, present your product beautifully, and are readily shared among the online public.
Crucial to content marketing, video today is your most powerful online storytelling tool. Marketing data aggregate sites overwhelmingly support the case for video as a leading factor in prompting online purchases and creating brand awareness. It puts a relatable human presence on corporate messaging, explains detailed instructional material, and promotes credibility through value propositions and testimonials.